Alexander House, Manchester

Building / Structure / Area: Multistorey office blocks with concrete columns, decorative open aggregate concrete panel

Project Value: £160K

Client: Manchester City Council

Main Contractor: ISG

Main Products / Systems used: Sika concrete repair and protection

Project Summary: The project involved the refurbishment of a multi-storey office block occupied by Manchester City Council administration staff. The building was showing classic signs of deterioration and spalling over steel reinforcement as a result of an advancing carbonation front and general weathering, which is typical of this type of 1960s building. The project involved surface preparation to all exposed concrete surfaces the application Sika monotop concrete repair mortars and fairing coats followed by the application of Sika Guard 550, elasto meric anti carbonation coating system. Additionally, the adjacent underground residence car park required extensive patching repairs to the deck which was showing signs of significant corrosion to the steel reinforcement as a result of heavy chloride contamination from road salts transported internally from vehicles using the car park.